In the pilot episode, baltimore detective jimmy mcnulty gets assigned to a new task force. Mcnulty knows the judge in question and although its not his case, hes called into. The second episode of the wire kicks off with one of the most memorable scenes of the. Jun 07, 2008 the wire, season 1, episode 2, the detail newbies edition same rules as established last week. The episode was written by david simon, from a story by simon and ed burns, and was directed by ed bianchi. Jemele hill and van lathan look at the second episode of the wire and discuss the assembly of the detail, what makes jimmy mcnulty tick, the mcnugget scene.
Mcnulty feels the heat when a witness who testified against dangelo is killed. Had to go back yesterday and watch the hunt episode from season 1. Brilliant, poignant, funny, prophetic, tragic, all of it and by the end, not a character you dont feel for. Subscribe to the respectlife channel on youtube join the facebook group respect life the series. Jimmy mcnulty finds himself in hot water with his superior major william rawls after a drug dealer, dangelo barksdale who is charged with three murders, is acquitted. May 07, 2009 while i dont think my love for season 2 burns with the whitehot sun intensity of that for season 1, i think thats more a reflection on the joy of discovery than on the quality of season 2. The wire season 2 episode 1 narcotics car duration.
Daniels puts his team together but the extra help hes asked includes several. As mcnulty and the detail continue staking out marlos crew, recently promoted sergeant carver is welcomed by a cauldron of discontent from officers coping with unpaid overtime. Posted jun 06, 2008 by alan sepinwallthe starledger. The detail is the second episode of the first season of the hbo original television series, the wire 20022008. In the pilot episode of this drama series, baltimore homicide detective jimmy mcnulty gets into hot water and winds up assigned to a detail of. All 6 songs featured in the wire season 1 episode 2. The second season of the television series the wire of 12 episodes first aired in the united. Ebb tide is the first episode of the the wire season 2 second season of the hbo original series, the wire. Little big roymcnulty makes sure to pay back rawls for reassigning him to the marine unit by sticking city homicide with t. Hill strives to deduce the connection between the bodies of two. Dave and kobi delve into episode 2 of the wire the detail and enjoy how they get the not so crack team together, dangelos interrogation. Rawls pep talk to mcnulty in that one still makes me tear up a bit. Jun 01, 2003 season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4 season 5 the second season of the american television drama series the wire premiered on june 1, 2003 and concluded on august 24th, 2003. This is a chronological list of all episodes of the wire.
Anyway, ive only watched one episode so far, so here are some first impressions. Rewatching the wire season 1, episode 2 with jemele hill. Sonja sohn goes on an illadvised buyandbust operation ordered by the deputy commissioner with orlando. Jun 02, 2002 season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4 season 5 the first season of the american television drama series the wire premiered on june 2, 2002 and concluded on september 8, 2002. Major valchek has his gift to a local parish trumped by frank sobotka, his rival in the local stevedores union. My wife and i would get up an hour early to have our coffee in the morning and watch an episode before having to get things together for the days events. If you believe this is the golden age of television, then consider the wire the gold standard of the golden age. The second season of the television series the wire of 12 episodes first aired in the united states on hbo in 2003 from june 1 to august 24. It introduces the stevedores of the port of baltimore and an international organized crime operation led by a figure known only as the greek and continues the story with the drugdealing barksdale crew and. Apr 29, 2015 the wire season 2 episode 1 narcotics car zach vetro. Marla danielsthe witness who testified against dangelo winds up being a murder. The wire, a television drama series created by david simon, premiered on june 2, 2002 on hbo in the united states and ended on march 9, 2008. Hill closes in on the homophobic psychopath, he almost falls victim to him, or her. I dont know if you heard about itit started on the tv back in 2002, five years before the launch of tumblr, four years before the launch of twitter, so im not sure how you would have heard about it really.
Jemele hill and van lathan look at the second episode of the wire and discuss the assembly of the detail, what makes jimmy mcnulty tick. Told from the points of view of both the police and their targets, the series captures a universe where easy distinctions between good and evil, and crime and punishment, are challenged at every turn. And the series did not imo really become brilliant though it was excellent until season 2. If theres one thing ive learned from watching the wire, patience pays. When one of the witnesses against dangelo barksdale is found dead, mcnulty and his homicide partner bunk moreland bring him in for. With dominic west, john doman, idris elba, frankie faison. The earlymorning field interviews by herc, carver and prez result in a minor riot. It consisted of twelve episodes, each running approximately 5763 minutes in length. The detail is the second episode of the first season of the wire. The episodes tell the story from both points of view the investigating police detail and the drugdealing barksdale organization.
Season 2 list of the wire episodes the first season of the television series the wire commenced airing on sunday, june 2, 2002 at 9. For a much as ive heard about the wire, i dont know that much about how it works. The wire, a television drama series created by david simon, premiered on june 2, 2002 on. Dive deeper into the episode the pager from the wire on hbo. Season episodes originally aired dvd release region 1 region 2 region 4. Detective jimmy mcnulty finds the body of a woman floating in the water while carrying out his new assignment of harbor patrol. Detective bunk moreland wendell pierce gets a new homicide case, and the victim turns out to be the witness in the dangelo barksdale larry. All of the best tv shows have a unique fingerprint. Dive deeper into the episode the detail from the wire on hbo. Were going to talk about season one of the wire in two different versions. The second season of the wire begins with jimmy mcnulty dominic west having been assigned to baltimores boat unit, the one place he did not want to be. Trap face season 1 episode 2 chezzy boy tv the wire season 1 recap.
We didnt watch it until late last year 2015, but once we started, we totally could not stop. Daniels puts his team together but the extra help hes asked includes several less than stellar officers. Subscribe to the respectlife channel on youtube join the facebook group respect life the series to interact with cast members and share thoughts. Apr 20, 2016 once upon a time in bed stuy, brooklyn.
Probably less than tuned into this weeks episode of the bachelorette. A police psychologist pursues a serial killer who tortures homosexual victims in increasingly gruesome ways. The first season focus on two major groups of characters. I did not watch the wire when it was on, but ive always heard what a great show it was. The first season of the television series the wire commenced airing on sunday, june 2, 2002 at 9. Marla danielsthe witness who testified against dangelo winds up being a murder case for bunk moreland. Whats alan watching the wire, season 1, episode 2, the. Mcnultyduring the trial of dangelo barksdale, a midlevel dealer accused of murder, the prosecutions star witness recants her. It consisted of thirteen episodes, each running approximately 5565 minutes in length.
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